Articles by Admin


Download and Install WRF Player

Wrf file is originally created from WebEx Network based recording. To play or view this .wrf files user’s must need an WRF Player or WebEx Player. Wrf file having information like audio, videos, meeting, conference, seminars…

ARF to MP4

How to Convert ARF to Mp4?

ARF is a file Format which stands for Advance recording File. Originally the origin of this file is from WebEx Network Based recording section. In general user record sessions like Video, Audio, Pools, Q&A Results,  File transfer, Annotation,  Participant lists, Chat conversations,…


How to download and Install Arf player?

Arf is an file extension which ends with .arf format, generally Arf is known as Advanced Recording Format. WebEx providing Network based recording feature from this Network recording we can get .arf files. This .arf…